Monday, December 13, 2010

Numbers Shmumbers

With my birthday coming and going this past Friday, it caused me to reflect on a few things. What I found myself pondering was: Have I allowed numbers to "take over" my life? Birthdays for some reason have always been hard for me. When I was 9 years old I actually cried because it was my last year as a single digit, after 9 it was double digits from there on out. This year, I found myself getting a little down just like every other year...but this year something changed.

I realized that instead of enjoying the journey I was mourning the passing of another year. Once that hit me, I started thinking about other flaws in my body image hindered on my weight, instead of health and activity. My intelligence was limited by the earning of a degree. My workout wasn't successful unless I trashed a certain number of calories. The list goes on and on. I was weighing my worth in so many areas according to numbers. So this year, I'm going to push the numbers aside, and not worry about age. I'm going to swim because I enjoy it, I'm going to learn how to like running, I'm going to pick up the violin again and play it without worrying if I'm "good enough." I'm going to paint and put it up in my house, because I like it and not hide it because what if someone doesn't. I'm going to speak Spanish and not be afraid of how many verbs I conjugate incorrently. I'm going to live and love it, instead of measuring it.


  1. Great way to look at the upcoming new year sis! I love it! PS- if you need a learning to love running buddy.... I'm your girl. LOL

  2. Aubrie! You live in Spanish Fork and we haven't hung out?!?! PLEASE COME OVER!! Dinner sometime this week or next? Let me know! Jackie

  3. do you babycakes! i love your thought process
